Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 8, Final blog assignment: Reflection posting

A reflection paper or presentation is often used in colleges to identify how well students are able to apply course concepts. For this posting, tell us the following:
1) Explain what you learned and the insights you had from completing the blog assignments. Be specific.
2) Include what you learned from reading the comments posted by your classmates.
3) Identify which blog assignment you felt contributed the most to your professional writing ability.


Travis Kaeding said...

I didn't learn much from blogging, but I feel like this has been a great experience. I feel this was a great introduction to blogging and what its about.

I learned a lot from reading other students comments. The main thing that I learned is, everybody has their own opinion. I found it interesting to see what other people wrote and their thoughts.

The one blog assignment I found most useful would be the one that covered emails. I think this was a very important assignment because email has become such a huge part of our lives. I figure since I use email for some many different reason, I should know what the rules are.

Peggy said...

I have learned to look at situations in a different perspective. I am now more open to listening to other points of view. I learned quite a bit of information about my classmates. I am glad we did the blogs. I feel I learned more about my classmates in doing so. I felt that I learned the most from the persuasive messages blog. I will continue to use these strategies and techniques in the future.

Ashley Haas said...

The blogging assignments made me think about certain situations, and it was great practice for posting.

The assignment I found most helpul was the e-mail assignment. Since I do not have a lot of experience with e-mailing it was good to learn more about it.

Blogging was a really useful learning tool.

Pascale D. said...

I learned a lot about improving my writing through all the different blogs. I also learned a lot about my fellow classmates. There were also a lot of different opinions which I think has also helped me to see others perspectives. I think that the blogs about email and persuasive writing have helped me the most. I really only use email for school related things and it helped to fine tune my writing so that I look more professional. The persuasive writing also really helped me because before I didn't really know the correct way to write a persuasive letter, as I found out in our recent exam, but now I feel like I have a pretty good hand on everything. So I think that the blogs really helped me out a lot.

Joel Schwartz said...
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Joel Schwartz said...

Of course I learned a great deal from the blogging, however, the most valuable learning came from the minds of my peers. The actual blogging assignments were nice exercises. They gave me a chance to practice composing short messages with balance among content and clarity.

I learned which classmates enjoy writing and which classmates prefer alternatives to writing. I also learned which classmates have similar viewpoints.

The most interesting blog assignment brought up the decline of writing skills in the U.S. I enjoyed this topic because it forced me to explore the past, as well as, the future for human writing tendencies. I like playing detective.

Unknown said...

I feel like a lot of the blog assignments were reinforcement of what we have learned in class. Because of this, much of what I learned from the blog assignments came from other students. I find it really interesting to read what other people write about the topic. I enjoy this because I can learn about other students and also learn about opinions other than my own.

The most valuable lessons for me were the email blog and the grammar blog. Ever since I did these blogging assignments I have been more aware of my writing styles and making sure to double check for grammar and punctuation errors. I also spend more time on emails I am writing because the blogging made me realize how unprofessional a lazy email can look.

Angi H said...

I learned that from blogging we all have a very different opinion on many subjects. Reading everyone else's posts was interesting. In a way, it allows us to get to know each other better.
I liked the blog that made us review how we send and recieve email. I didn't know about many of those things until reading the link that was provided.
Learning to write better in the business area is important for all of us to know. Much more will be accomplished if we all learn the right way of doing it.

michele thibedeau said...

This was the first experience I have had with blogs, so I have learned how to find them and post to them, which I feel I will benefit from with blogs that come up in the future. By reading other’s responses, I have learned about my classmates and their opinions, which has given me a new perspective on certain situations that we responded too. I would have to say that I have enjoyed all of the blog assignments. Each assignment has forced me to think about my own personal situations in addition to composing the assignment in the correct manner. I have learned many new techniques in this class that I know I will benefit from in my career.

Cassie S said...

By seeing what my peers in my class wrote about the topics in our blogging, it was nice to see things from their perspective. Before others wrote about their experiences and opinions, some things may have never even crossed my mind. I think that in itself is a different learning technique and great experience to learn from others.

The blog that I felt I contributed to the most was the blog regarding Improving Writing Techniques. The blog touched on something I felt very strongly about, which is writing skills in America. I feel very strongly that they have declined. However, others who did not agree with me did make some very strong points. Some people commented on children knowing vocabulary we would have not known at that age or continue to do spelling into higher grade levels. Although valid points, I still feel that our writing skills in America have declined.